What is DirectAdmin, How to Install It? DirectAdmin Panel Management for Beginners

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DirectAdmin is expressed as a hosting control panel that operates on the web base, has a graphical interface, and can be managed at different access levels. DirectAdmin aims to enable those who use hosting services to easily carry out all operations on their servers. DirectAdmin is easy to use, fast and very economical compared to its alternatives.

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Thanks to DirectAdmin, it is possible for even users who are not advanced in technology to easily carry out hosting management operations. One of the main features of the DirectAdmin panel is that it supports multiple access levels such as administrator, user and vendor (Reseller). In the case of frequent crashes on websites, DirectAdmin automatically recovers site data. With DirectAdmin supported by the Linux operating system, it is possible to manage hundreds of Linux-based websites at the same time.

What are the Features of DirectAdmin?

Although it is similar to cPanel and Plesk panel with its general features, DirectAdmin stands out with its simplicity, speed and functional details. The use of Linux-based DirectAdmin is not preferred on devices with Windows operating system. Other features of DirectAdmin are listed as follows.

  • Built-in Anti-Spam options
  • Usage statistics defined specifically for resources
  • DNS administrations
  • Creation and management of databases
  • Creating and managing reseller accounts
  • Backup operations
  • File managements
  • Domain name managements

With the structuring feature of the DirectAdmin panel on the source, the usage area can be expanded with different software. The software that the DirectAdmin panel is compatible with is as follows.

  • Apache
  • Nginx
  • LiteSpeed
  • Snove Open LiteSpeed
  • MariaDB
  • ModSecurity
  • MySQL
  • ClamAV
  • Exim
  • Dovecot
  • SpamAssassin
  • SpamD
  • ProFTPD
  • PureFTPD
  • PHP 7

DirectAdmin is among the hosting control panels whose functional features come to the fore, including installation options with more than one client.

What are the Advantages of DirectAdmin?

DirectAdmin, which uses system resources at a minimum level and works at high speed, also offers unlimited Domain support to its users. DirectAdmin, which takes the user experience to the next level with periodic updates, has many advantages at the user level;

  • E-posta Yönetimleri: DirectAdmin kullanıcıları, POP / IMAP hesaplarını, Catch-All E-mail adreslerini, mail listelerini, otomatik yanıtlayıcı ve Webmail tanımlamalarını oluşturabilmektedir.
  • Filtre Kullanımı: Mail sistemlerinde yer alan filtreler, kullanıcıların iletilen mailleri Domain, Anahtar kelime, boyutlarına göre engelleme imkanı sunmaktadır. DirectAdmin içerisinde “Yetişkin Filtresi” de bulunmaktadır.
  • FTP Yönetimleri: DirectAdmin kullanıcıları FTP hesaplarını oluşturarak, her bir hesaba ayrı şekilde düzenlenen dizin izinleri ayarlanabilmektedir. DirectAdmin içerisinde anonim FTP özelliği de bulunmaktadır.
  • DNS Menüsü Kullanımı: Kullanıcılar DirectAdmin panel üzerinden yeni DNS kaydı oluşturabilmek, ihtiyaç durumunda mevcut DNS lerini kaldırabilmek mümkündür. DirectAdmin ile MX ayarları da kolayca değiştirilmektedir. DNS kontrollerine dair tüm işlemler, DirectAdmin panel ile gerçekleştirilmektedir.  
  • İstatistik Menüsü: DirectAdmin sisteminde, kullanıcıların mevcut hesaplarıyla ilişkili her istatistiği görüntüleme şansı bulunmaktadır. Geliştirilmiş seçenekler ve Webalizer kullanımı da bunlara dahil olmaktadır.
  • Subdomain Menü Kullanımı: DirectAdmin üzerinden kullanıcılar Subdomainlerini oluşturabilmektedir. Gerekli durumda oluşturulan Subdomainler listelenebilir ya da silinebilir. Aynı zamanda Subdomainlere ait istatistiklerin görüntülenmesi DirectAdmin ile mümkün olmaktadır.
  • Dosya Yönetimi: DirectAdmin panelde, yeni bir web sitesi oluşturmak, geliştirmek için ihtiyaç duyulan tüm özellikleri kapsayan FTP kullanımı, daha hızlı ve daha işlevsel şekilde yürütülen dosya yöneticisini içerisinde barındırmaktadır.
  • MySQL Veritabanı: Kullanıcılar ilgili menü üzerinden MySQL veritabanlarını birkaç basit adımla oluşturabilmek, değiştirebilmek ve gerektiğinde silebilmek mümkün olmaktadır.
  • Site Yedeklemeleri: Kullanıcıların sitelerine ait verileri yedeklemesi ya da geri yüklemesi DirectAdmin ile mümkün olmaktadır.
  • Hata Sayfalarının Kullanımı: DirectAdmin kullanıcıları, panelleri üzerinden 401 / 403 / 404 / 500 hata kodlarını içeren kişisel mesajlar ve çıktılar oluşturabilmektedir.
  • Dizin Şifre Koruması: DirectAdmin kullanıcıları, seçmiş oldukları dizinleri, kullanıcı adları ve şifreleri ile koruma altına alabilirler.
  • PHP Seçimi: Kullanıcılar, istemciye ait belirlenen spesifik bir PHP sürümünü, .php uzantısı ile ilişkilendirebilirler.
  • Geliştirilmiş Araç Kullanımı: DirectAdmin kullanıcıları, panelleri üzerinden SSL sertifikalarını kurabilirler, sunucularına ait bilgileri ve yüklenmiş Perl modüllerini görüntüleyebilirler. Apache işleyicilerinin ayarlarını yapabilirler. Site yönlendirmelerini panelleri üzerinden gerçekleştirebilirler. Domain işaretleyicisi “Pointers” özelliğini etkinleştirebilirler.

How to Install DirectAdmin?

When starting the Linux-based DirectAdmin installation, it is necessary to check whether the Default packages required during the installation process are hosted on the server.



Then, the below-mentioned installation steps are followed. First of all, the DirectAdmin installation files need to be installed.

The following process is performed to run the installed installation file.

In order for the installation processes to be initiated, the following command must be run.

After the command is executed, Cilent ID and License ID information are requested.

Users must enter their own ID at this point in the setup. Once the information is verified, the Hostname information must be identified.

After the users define their Hostname information, the Client and License ID information is requested to be verified once again.

In the next step of the installation, the IP address on the user's Ethernet card is verified.

In the next step, Apache / PHP adjustments are made. The process selection should be "Custombuild 1.2" for the adjustments to go smoothly. After the selection, the "Y" option should be used as the default answer to the questions submitted. After the start of the installation, the process proceeds smoothly until completion. When the DirectAdmin installation is completed, an admin password assigned as Default is automatically provided. The following command is used to customize and change the password assigned by the system.

How to Use DirectAdmin?

DirectAdmin, which is designed to manage websites more easily, is a web hosting control panel system. DirectAdmin is known as "DA" for short. While the use of DirectAdmin appeals to users at all levels, all operations are carried out quickly with its simple interface. Thanks to this feature, web pages are managed with a few simple steps via DirectAdmin. Its design consisting of 3 different layers makes DirectAdmin more functional and practical. Transition to administrator, user and vendor (Reseller) layers is made easily. Through the DirectAdmin user panel, the designs of existing web pages are changed. Among the prominent features of DirectAdmin is the advantage of easy Port finding. DirectAdmin ensures that system resources are used at a minimum level. This feature makes DirectAdmin a software suitable for different servers. User notifications of the DirectAdmin panel and errors that occur on web pages are simultaneously communicated to the user. This also ensures that interruptions are prevented. DirectAdmin system administrators can upgrade or downgrade the panel version according to their preference. DirectAdmin customer service works 24/7 to support users when they get stuck. DirectAdmin, which aims to take customer satisfaction to the next level, is also very successful in solving the problems that occur or may occur in its users.

What are the DirectAdmin License Prices?

For the trial version of DirectAdmin, it offers a 6-day free usage option. Users who want to try DirectAdmin with its community-based support, automatically update alternatives, and self-installation features can benefit from all the functions of the panel free of charge for 60 days. For the DirectAdmin trial version, the trial is created immediately by logging in from the official website "Here". DirectAdmin offers its users 3 different package options apart from the trial version. These;

Personal (Personalized Package)

The DirectAdmin Personal package includes community-based support, automatic updates and upgrades, protection against price increases, 10 domains defined for 1 account created, automatic installation, uploading files to cloud systems. The price of the Personal package is defined as $ 2 per month. The minimum purchase option is specified as 12 months. The DirectAdmin Personal package is created for personal use.

Lite (Hafif Batch)

The DirectAdmin Lite package allows the use of 10 accounts and 50 domain names in addition to the Personal package contents. The price of the DirectAdmin Lite package, which offers unlimited technical support services, is stated as $ 15 per month. This package is often an ideal option for small businesses.

Standard (Standart Paket)

The DirectAdmin Standard package includes all the basic content and unlimited technical support services in the other packages. In addition, it appeals to large-scale companies with unlimited account opening and unlimited domain name (Domain) usage. The DirectAdmin Standard package, on the other hand, is priced at $29 per month.

What Are the Differences Between DirectAdmin and cPanel?

Among web hosting management panels, the two most used alternatives today are DirectAdmin and cPanel. Users naturally ask a lot of questions about which alternative is better. To answer these questions, the differences between DirectAdmin and cPanel are listed below.

  • DirectAdmin is a more advanced software than cPanel
  • It is quite simple to set up and use
  • It has less resource consumption
  • It is much faster, more functional and more reliable
  • Its users have a chance to edit the DNS records on their domains
  • Installation of SSL certificates is possible
  • It has a file manager with a wider range of details and uses
  • It is possible for subdomains to work with the "www" prefix
  • Panel management is much easier
  • It differs from its competitors with its speed factor and security options in commercial use
  • It has special recovery systems in case of errors that occur or may occur
  • In the event that the system crashes, services are started automatically

How to open a new website in the DirectAdmin panel?

One of the most curious issues of users is the creation of a new website via DirectAdmin. Within the web hosting management panels, it is possible to open a new website from the DirectAdmin panel, which is preferred with its functional features. By following the steps below, the process flow is executed.

  • In order to determine the IP address of the user, the "My Servers" and "Manage" steps should be followed
  • Port number 2222 should be written at the end of the current IP address
  • After these actions, the DirectAdmin login panel is accessed
  • Login via "DirectAdmin Login Page"
  • Click "Access Level" and then "Reseller Level" in the upper right corner of the screen, respectively
  • On the page that opens, select "Add New User"
  • In the next step, the relevant fields are filled in on the form and the "Submit" tab is clicked

After the completion of all transactions, the new site is opened. The site is viewed in the "My Information" section of the DirectAdmin user panel.
